

Dun, duh-dun Dunnn!!!!

Ok, here it is! The "official" Hodson family blog to share all the glamorous, and more often not so glamorous, details of our daily lives! I must be SO excited! You can thank the Army for the title "The glamorous life...," taken from my Facebook post referring to our 2:30 am check in for an 8:50 am flight! (details coming!)

I decided to start this blog to share our Korean adventures with our family and friends, and to maybe help another military wife out there, who like me, may have been devastated when she got the news she'd be moving to Korea. (I'll elaborate later! I now feel very different about this assignment than I did when I first learned of it.)

Stay tuned for the first "official" blog post! ;)  (yes, I use "quotes" A LOT)


  1. I know I'm excited!!!! I'm so happy you started this! :)

    1. Thanks Meredith! And thanks for your expert help with the pictures!

  2. I'm so glad you started a blog :) I can't wait to keep up with how the family is doing and what it's like to live in Korea. We're moving to Nebraska in the spring, and I thought THAT was a big move, lol! I'm a little bit jealous bc not many people get to experience that :) good luck to you guys.

    1. THAT IS a big move! Shoot moving anytime is a big deal! You'll have to catch me up on the details! And you're right, Korea's going to be a great experience! Thanks!
